Damp Proofing Products

Everyone is familiar with the concept of waterproofing. With waterproofing you take something that would normally allow water to pass through it, and you change it in such a way that water can no longer come through.

Some things you might waterproof are tents, shoes, a coat, or a basement.

In some of these cases, it is not necessary to keep out all of the water. For instance, while a coat may be considered waterproof, it can still allow through a tiny amount of water or moisture an still be effective in doing the job it was supposed to do.

This is true in some basements and exteriors as well. Some homeowners are okay if there is some moisture getting through their basement walls through cracks or weak seals on casement windows.

But not every application allows for this sort of leakage. Sometimes you need your basement completely damp proof.

When do you need damp proof products?

In construction terms a century ago, a little water was an accepted part of a major project. Even the basement of a house would be constructed so that dampness was allowed, as long as it was not wet or flowing water that could ultimately do damage to the foundation.

Today, we know more about construction and how to keep a house – and its occupants – happy and healthy. This means dampproofing a basement.

Dampproofing, or damp proofing, means keeping out all unwanted moisture. Doing this in a housing or industrial building situation can add years to the duration of the building, and it can keep your house healthier.

How does damp proofing protect your home?

Water has a corrosive effect on pretty much material used in construction. Wood, most metals, drywall, and even some foam products degrade when exposed to water over time.

We know that even small amounts of water, what someone might describe as “damp” instead of “wet,” can slowly work away by rusting or weakening the structure of your home.

When those construction pieces bear weight and shifts over time, it is important that they work as they were designed. Even small weaknesses caused by water can threaten the whole structure.

Also, it doesn’t take much water to invite the accumulation of mold. Mold spores will penetrate every structure and land where they can find moisture.

In order to keep your air, your building, and its occupants healthy, you need to keep out as much water as you possibly can. This means going beyond waterproofing and adopting an approach called dampproofing.

Mar-Flex offers a wide range of materials to damp proof your structure.

Does Waterproofing a Basement Add Value?

Before starting any sort of project around the house there are a couple of questions every homeowner wants to ask themselves. The first question typically revolves around affordability relative to what will be gained from the Improvement.

The average homeowner, for instance, cannot afford a huge spray water feature in their front yard that would be at home on a Town Square. Sure, it would be beautiful and a real talking point, but for the average homeowner it would be prohibitively expensive, and probably damaged the resale value of the house.

However there are certain kinds of improvements and upgrades that should happen in your house as soon as they are affordable.

One of these no-brainer improvements is waterproofing a basement.

Waterproofing a basement is a no-brainer

Keeping water out of your basement is important for many reasons.

First and foremost wet basement is a place where mold can grow. Mold in the air of your home can cause allergic reactions or even worse effects on breathing and your body. Mold ca n even render your home unlivable.

A second reason to keep water out of your basement, is that water often comes through cracks or weaknesses in the foundation. so at the first sight of water one concern should be stopping the water, and the other concern should be making sure your foundation is sturdy and stable. Water doesn’t mean your house will fall down but left untreated it can contribute to the quicker demise of your biggest investment.

And a third important reason to waterproof your basement is to get it ready for an upgrade.

Remodeling your basement is a good investment

According to general estimates, remodeling your basement to add new living space and useful room, is  one of the better Investments you can make in your house.

It is estimated that in resale value alone, you recover about 70% of your investment in your basement remodel.  This means a $2,000 investment in your basement will likely get you about $1,400 in resale value, and a $10,000  investment would net you $7,000.

Of course, a remodel of any space typically isn’t done solely thinking about the resale value. This is true about the basement as well. For many people, a basement represents 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire space in their house. Converting that to useful space such as a den, TV room, or spare bedroom can make your house more welcoming, spacious. In all, a happier place to live.

And in order to be remodeled, it must first be waterproofed.

What better investment is there than that?

Commercial Waterproofing Products: Waterproof Membranes

When gearing up for your next construction product, you will want to consider the wide range of commercial waterproofing products available to pick the perfect option for your project.

While each of these products does what it was designed to do – keep out water and moisture – it is important to choose the right product for the specific job. This involves taking into consideration the location, depth, accessibility, and amount of water that the surface will be exposed to when the work is completed.

With so many different options, and so many different companies with their own proprietary lines of these products, one could be forgiven for being confused or overwhelmed by the options.

For this reason, we offer a light introduction to different commercial waterproofing products. One common type of waterproofing product is waterproof membranes.

Here are some products you might consider for your next major project.

Waterproof membranes

Waterproof membranes are separate materials that are designed to be attached to your structure, usually entirely below grade, to keep out water. They come in many different types and have different primary materials.

Some of these membranes are rubberized, providing an impermeable non-porous surface that works in applications where there is likely to be less compression and movement. These are placed on the foundation in the way you might put on a raincoat to go outside in the rain (though you might use less spray adhesive!)

Some waterproof membranes contain clay or similar materials that help absorb water without passing it through to the structure. This loose material, sandwiched between semi-permeable layers, allows for a more dynamic response to water below the surface. These filler ingredients can dry to allow the building to breath and contribute to evaporation. However, they are designed to self-seal when the conditions demand it.

Still other waterproof membranes are made of first use or recycled plastics. In many cases, these can be specially formed to not only keep water away from your foundation, but to direct or carry water away from it.

Some of these products can contribute to the LEED score of your building, as well as providing a lifetime warranty and guarantee against water invading your major investment.

Are waterproof membranes the right solution for your next building project? Talk to your Mar-Flex representative to discuss the specifics and find out what your situation demands.



Why do so many contractors protect their foundations with ShockWave Drainage Board?

At Mar-Flex, we have been producing quality lines of waterproofing products for years. We occasionally get asked which are our favorite lines.

And of course, to us, waterproofing products are like our children, and we love them all equally.

But for the most common applications, we find our technicians and our customers turning time and again to our ShockWave drainage boards. Why are they trusted so deeply?

We think there are three primary reasons.

ShockWave drainage board protects from an impressive amount of water

ShockWave drainage board’s most impressive statistic reveals how well it does the thing it is built to do: handle water.

ShockWave can soak up over 100 gallons of water per hour per linear foot of drainage board. 101.11 per hour, to be precise.

This helps protect your foundation – and your investment – against the equivalent of a stream running into your foundation. Knowing that our drainage board can handle this amount of water, which is unusually large, means that our customers know they can count on ShockWave to deliver the expected results in normal circumstances for the life of their investment.

ShockWave drainage board is virtually crush-proof

Of course, When you put drainage board on the outside of your foundation and then backfill tons of clay and dirt against it, you need to know that it will retain its strength and vibrancy over time.

So we designed Shockwave to be virtually crushproof. Let’s get to the numbers:

ShockWave can withstand up to 283.72 psi while still humming along, doing its water work. This is the equivalent of running a bulldozer across the ShockWave surface. This amount of weight and concentrated pressure would STILL not damage ShockWave drainage board.

You can be sure that your building demands will not diminish its effectiveness.

ShockWave drainage board adds to your LEED score

And here’s the kicker for many contractors. Sure, it handles more water than any other drainage board. Sure it is essentially crush-proof and …

It is meticulously constructed from 100% post-consumer recycled materials.

So, it does everything you could want, and using it actually increases your LEED rating, making it easier to reach your project’s goals. Not many waterproofing options can do that.

It’s clear that so many contractors rely on ShockWave drainage board because of its unparalleled strength, effectiveness, and LEED rating.

The real question is, why would someone choose anything else?

Why Fusion UV Remains a Top Choice For Builders

More than a decade after its introduction, the Mar-flex waterproof membrane solution Fusion UV remains a popular choice for builders across the United States and beyond.

What is the secret to its longevity? Well it’s no secret really.

Offering builders an affordable, easy-to-apply, high-quality waterproofing solution turned out to be a really popular choice.

The many advantages of Fusion UV

The builder who chooses Fusion UV has selected an option that is easy to use, offers great protection, and is built to look the same for decades.

Fusion UV offers builders an ease of use that is hard to match.

By following the simple instructions under the dry conditions, your building crew can manage the Fusion UV application process themselves. They simly can spray, brush, or roll Fusion UV onto the exterior foundation wall. No additional training is required, and there is no need to purchase special equipment.

Fusion UV provides excellent protection

When applied as directed, Fusion UV’s 20 year warranty offers you the peace of mind to know you have protected your building from water.

Of course, pairing Fusion UV with other solutions including Mar-flex drainage board can increase the protection and the warranty. Taking a couple of extra steps can earn you a limited-lifetime warranty.

Fusion UV protects against fading

The “UV” in Fusion UV stands for ultraviolet. The special formula waterproofing membrane is designed for below-grade use AND for above-grade use.

There, exposed to sunlight, Fusion UV resists breakdown, degradation, and even color fading. Our virgin polymer stands up to the elements in the way that other recycled polymers simply can’t.

This means that your project looks as good in a decade as it did the day you completed the work. This increases your satisfaction and reputation, and simply looks good.

So if you are looking for an economical, long-lasting, easy-to-apply waterproofing solution for your current project, consider Mar-flex Fusion UV.

You’ll be glad you did today, and you’ll be glad you did in a decade.

Get the Facts on Waterproofing Membranes

When you are working to waterproof your foundation,  you will come across a lot of proposed solutions and materials. Paints, caulks, and even concrete backfills can all be part of a comprehensive  waterproofing solution for your building’s basement.

Waterproofing membranes also need to be in the conversation.

Cost-effective and practical, waterproofing membranes offer a wide range of solutions including eco-friendly options that might even boost your LEED scores.

Here are some different options for you to consider for your next building or waterproofing project.

Drainage boards

One popular product that accompanies a waterproofing membrane is a drainage board. Fastened to the outside of your foundation below grade or ground level, drainage boards encourage water to move down away from your foundation instead of remaining pressed up against the concrete.

By moving the water away, your concrete is protected from having to do the work it was never designed to do.  Water sitting next to concrete will eventually permeate the concrete.

Waterproofing boards like the Mar-flex Shockwave drainage board have several important features which make them durable. First, they help move the water down and away from the foundation instead of holding it. Second, they are inert and don’t interact chemically with the soil around them, so they last a long time. Finally, they resist pressure from water and soil, retaining their drainage properties over time as the construction settles.


Drainage boards are an inexpensive partner for a waterproofing membrane. You should consider this for your next build. They are available in different model and price ranges.

Waterproofing Membranes

Waterproofing membranes can come in different forms. Some are fastened to the wall in panels, and others are sprayed into place. Either way, They offered the same great protection for your foundation by completely repelling all the water that comes against them.

The last barrier between the outside and your concrete when you’re building a home, office or other structure, is a waterproofing membrane.

When you pair a quality membrane, like the Mar-flex 5000, with drainage board, you can get a 60 year guarantee that your foundation will be protected from groundwater.

An advantage of waterproofing membranes like the TopGun WB Waterbased Membrane is that they can be sprayed over any clean, dry, sound substrate, and offer a lifetime of protection with a Limited-Lifetime warranty.

Mar-flex offers a range of solutions to your waterproofing membrane needs. Call us today to talk with a waterproofing expert to discuss the needs of your building project.

Mar-Flex Quality Waterproofing Products Suppliers

When you are rebuilding or doing new construction, you look first to your foundation. You know that if you have water problems, the new location will be uninhabitable and unsellable.


So you need quality waterproofing materials, with a wide range of costs and applications, so you can find the perfect fit for your budget and for your situation.


Mar-Flex is one of only a handful of world-class high quality waterproofing products suppliers. Located in southern Ohio, we can offer you industrial strength solutions to keep your home, office, or other structure dry through the most challenging conditions.


Waterproofing during home construction


If you are waterproofing during construction, you will find that Mar-Flex can offer you the resources you need to do the job expertly, the first time.


We make products for your home waterproofing projects, including:


Whatever your specific needs and concerns, your solution is on this list.


Can’t find the solution you think you need? Call us today and let one of our experts find the right product to solve your problem on the first try.


Waterproofing commercial construction

Looking for solutions for your commercial construction and waterproofing product needs? Look no further than the area’s expert waterproofing company: Mar-Flex.

We have multiple series of solutions designed to meet your waterproofing and LEED building needs.

Most builders find exactly what they need in our Armor Series:

Especially popular with green builders is our green series. Our Shockwave and Geo-Mat products offer an environmentally friendly yet permanent and solution to your below-ground waterproofing needs.

If you don’t find exactly what you need, call us. One of our certified experts will help you identify the right products and right technicians to get the work done quickly and professionally.

Consider our decades of experience and the wide range of available materials when choosing your next quality waterproofing material supplier.

You Can Go Green and Stay Dry

For a long time in construction it was understood that accepting the use of “green” or environmentally friendly materials meant that you were lowering your standards.

That is no longer true. Amazing breakthroughs in technology have allowed advances in recombinant re-use and recycling. Many of today’s recycled materials meet the same standards that their first-use / original-use cousins met.

Mar-Flex is proud to be an industry leader in green waterproofing technology.

And with LEED standards being implemented in almost every new build these days, the points from using recycled materials add up. Being able to meet those standards while producing the finest available products is a source of pride for Mar-Flex.


Our ShockWave drainage and insulation board are another recycled solution to your waterproofing needs. These not only have the highest drainage and compression rates of any product on the market, but they are made of 100% recycled material. Their LEED scores and their results are both the best that money can buy.

This is a superior blend of effectiveness and eco-awareness that is sure to please the most demanding customer.

Drain & Dry Drainage Board

Our exclusive Drain & Dry drainage board is designed to offer the most cost-effective yet green solution to solving the first problem of waterproofing – keeping water away from your exterior surfaces.

This early Ecose technology made us a leader in green technology for waterproofing, and is eligible for LEED points in all applications. Most importantly, it works to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure, protecting concrete and other building materials from the ravages of water over time. Drain & Dry can be used alone or in partnership with other green or less-green technologies to provide a comprehensive solution to your waterproofing needs.

You no longer have to compromise between going green and getting the job done. Our Mar-Flex products can let you do both.

Call today for information about these and other comprehensive waterproofing solutions.

What is “Relative” Humidity?

We have all heard the term relative humidity before. We know that it means something about how much water vapor is in the air.

And we know that relative humidity is important especially inside a building where we want to keep mold and other contaminants to a minimum.

But what is “relative” humidity, exactly? What is it relative to? And what does it mean to us individually?

The air we breathe is more than just air

We know that the air is far more than just oxygen. The atmosphere and air we breathe holds much more than just one gas. It holds a mix of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and lots of others, in a mix that our lungs are used to sorting through. Our sensitive lungs can filter out their favorite candy from this Halloween grab bag of ingredients.

But also suspended in the air is a host of minor and major pollutants, including pollen, dust, and mold. And also, there is water vapor in the air, and that causes a problem.

The problem with humidity

Humidity over 70% supports and carries a whole boatload of allergens, irritants, and contaminants. It carries more pollen, more dust, more smoke, and of course, more mold. All of these wreak havoc on your lungs, making them work harder in an effort to reject them.

Individuals with asthma know that humidity means asthma attacks because of these pollutants and irritants.

Humidity makes these problems worse, so we work to keep it at an acceptable level, usually no higher than 60%

Relative humidity, defined

But what is relative humidity?

Well it turns out that air can hold different amounts of water at different temperatures. The warmer the air is the more water that it can hold. Colder air can hold less water vapor.

So the word “relative”  doesn’t mean it is compared to other times, it means that the humidity is compared to other temperatures.

So a “relative humidity” of 60% can feel quite different, and represent different amounts of water vapor in the air, based on the actual temperature.

A relative humidity of 60% when it is 60 degrees is very different from a relative humidity of 60% when it is 90 degrees. It represents far more actual vapor in the air at the warmer temperatures.

Of course, since indoor temperatures are usually highly regulated, this doesn’t mean too much of a difference inside, but whenever the inside air feels humid, you should grow concerned about the presence of mold and other contaminants.

Have a wet basement? Building a new property and want the Foundation dry? Call Mar-Flex Waterproofing Solutions.