Twip of the Day – Waterproofing Basement Tips 1

The cause of a wet or damp basement can be minor, readily apparent, and easily corrected. Here are some probable causes and possible solutions:

Problem:The source of water in the basement can not be identified.

Solution:To determine whether the water is seeping in from the outside or condensing inside, tape a twelve-inch square of aluminum foil to a wall that is prone to dampness, sealing all four sides as airtight as possible. In a day or two, if the side of the foil that was against the wall is wet, the problem is seepage. If the outside is wet, it’s condensation.


The Future of the GREEN Energy Initiative

The unfortunate accident in Japan, at the Daichi Fukushima nuclear reactor, has forced the world to reconsider nuclear power. This has left room for more GREEN solutions to be implemented. Europe, the United States, and even Japan have begun rethinking nuclear energy, and what it can be replaced with.

Monday morning, the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel placed a hold on the lifetime extensions of her country’s nuclear power generators. Germans are beginning to embrace GREEN as a lifestyle choice, eating genetically modified foods, using alternative sources, and focusing on sustainable solutions are all German priorities. The Germans are even proposing a German GREEN New Deal . This would allow the infusion of capital into the renewable energy marketplace, across Europe.

The United States has even reconsidered its nuclear power stance because of the rising danger of nuclear energy. Senator Joe Lieberman proposed on Tuesday morning, a moratorium on new nuclear power plants as well as rethinking the safety standards on older plants. The United States are looking into biofuels from microbes, cold fusion, and many other renewable energy sources. The pledge given by the Obama Administration is to have the country benefitting from renewable energy by 2016, and most of the energy consumption being GREEN energy by 2035.

In the short term, many countries are considering natural gas as a cheap and easy means  of replacing nuclear. In the short future, many countries will be building solar power and wind farms, as evidenced by a sharp increase in foreign companies who manufacture those products stocks this morning. Many countries, including Europe and the United States aim to use totally renewable energy in the long term and throughout the future.


SHOCKWAVE-New Innovations to Suit Your Heavy-Duty Needs

Mar-Flex Waterproofing and Building Products puts the spotlight on the SHOCKWAVE drainage board. Mar-Flex Green, the company’s new initiative toward a brighter future, will be offering the SHOCKWAVE drainage board. This drainage board is built for heavy duty applications where heavy-clay soil or rock soil drainage conditions are extreme. SHOCKWAVE is made from 100% post-consumer recycled polyethylene-polyolefin foam products.

SHOCKWAVE is built to last. The material can hold up to 101 gallon of water per hour, per square foot. This makes it one of leading drainage products in the marketplace. SHOCKWAVE is also durable, able to withstand the pressure of a bulldozer, at 283.72 psi compressive strength. This makes it a favorite for contractors, as it is light and easy to install. 
SHOCKWAVE is also the only truly Green product in the building supply marketplace. SHOCKWAVE is made from 100% post-consumer recycled polyethylene-polyolefin foam products. Polyethylene-polyolefin foam products used in the creation of this material include, foam packaging, car seat foam, foam insulation, buoyancy and barrier foams, as well as vibration dampening foam. This easily allows LEED® building credits. 

Mar-Flex Green, An Interview

“Its up to private business to secure the marketplace with a GREEN solution,” says Mar-Flex GREEN spokesman Robert Hoffman, in an interview to the associated press this morning. “Did you know that it only takes 10% recycled material in your product, to make it LEED friendly? Mar-Flex GREEN has several products in research and development that are made of at least 25% recycled materials. We also have several products that are made of 100% recycled materials, that we’ve been offering for some time now.” Hoffman wants customers to know that “going with Mar-Flex for your homebuilding products, will mean choosing the only truly GREEN company in the marketplace.”

Mar-Flex Green

The recent events at Fukushima Nuclear Reactor in Japan have forced the world to question the viability of the nuclear option. Many are calling for an end to nuclear power altogether and the push towards a GREEN and sustainable solution. Since its inception, Mar-Flex Waterproofing and Building products has been researching and developing new recycled and 100% GREEN solutions, the only company in its industry to do so. Mar-Flex was the first company to offer 100% recycled material building supplies such as the GeoMat™ and GeoMat Plus™, SHOCKWAVE™, and FUSION UV™. Mar-Flex was the leader in sustainable solutions then and it will be today. 
  Mar-Flex released a statement this morning directly from the Middletown, Ohio corporate offices. Emergency meetings were taking place, where it was decided that not only will Mar-Flex push toward a GREEN solution in its industry, but that the company is committed to finding solutions to help the world. Within the next twelve months, Mar-Flex will convert their product line into at least 25% recycled materials. Company owner Brett Oakley said in a statement to the associated press, “At Mar-Flex, we are proving our firm commitment to the world. All of our products will be LEED® certified and GREEN. Mar-Flex is changing the way business is done in the building materials industry , allowing for a new, sustainable movement to take hold. We are making a push toward environmentally safe, and more efficient materials being proliferated in this industry.”

Green Basement Solutions

Mar-Flex offers a new line of green Geo-Mat products which offer added protection by adding a drainage roll to be used in conjunction with a Mar-Flex Waterproofing System. Mar-Flex Geo-Mat rolls are made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) that allow a stronger resistance to hydrostatic pressure and better drainage options. This product offers added value to your existing Waterproofing System by using the Geo-Mat filters to protect against back fill, soil sediment, and obstructions. In topsoil and sandy soil areas where drainage matters more than R-Value, Geo-Mat keeps foundation walls dry while protecting the waterproofing membrane from silt and backfill. Mar-Flex also offers Geo Clips, which makes installation of any Geo-Mat product quick and easy.

Geo-Mat is the only 100% green product of its kind in the market and can be used towards LEED(r) building credits.

Twip of the Day – Vents and Vent Wells Are Crucial

One of the most important parts of any foundation/basement is proper venting. Most feel that the foundation walls, once back-filled, are out of sight and out of mind until ugly water problems hit you head on. Once water and dampness develop this allows mold, mildew and other dangerous hazards to grab a foothold in your environment.

Don’t cut corners when it comes to your basement, crawl space and foundation. Check out one of the most revolutionary venting products on the market – Vortex™. This state-of the-art product will ensure that these delicate and costly water-related problems will not develop in your building or homes future.

The revolutionary turnbuckle adjusters on each side of every Vortex™ vent lets you quickly telescope each vent on the job site to save you time and trouble, while reducing inventory and storage headaches.

Twip of the Day – Control Joint/Control Cracks

The American Concrete Institute Association always refer to controlling concrete cracks by weakening the plain by 25% of the total thickness of the concrete. Doing so allows better control of the inevitable crack and fracture process. Mar-flex’s Vertical Control Joint system takes further control and enables builders and homeowners to know exactly where fractures and cracks will occur within the basement/foundation walls. Read more info about the state-of-the-art process here.


US DOC Releases Statement About Air Barrier Viability

In a recent study completed by the United States Department of Commerce, a simulation was performed of commercial office spaces in different climates across the country. The study found that the energy efficiency of a common commercial office environment is insufficient due to airflow issues. It was calculated that, based on average national prices, consumers save between 3% and 36% on energy costs when installing Air Barrier systems.

Mar-Flex Waterproofing and Building Products manufactures the new AIR Barrier 1200 VP/1200 Primer. This new product allows regulation of air flow, moisture, and savings on energy costs, as proven by the Department of Commerce.

The study can be found here.