Twip of the Day – Options For Damp Floors

If you notice dampness in your basement floor, and its made of organic flooring like wood, this can lead to mold and that musty smell. There are several options to replace the affected flooring.

Some carpet tiles are composed of inorganic materials, which can provide a vapor barrier and insulation. This also protects against mold, as mold only grows on organic material.

Vinyl flooring is another great option for replacing a floor cheaply. Choose vinyl that is designed specifically for basement flooring, with the ability to act as a vapor barrier as well as provide insulation.

Laying extruded polystyrene foam directly onto your basement floor is another economical replacement solution. Polystyrene will not rot and even insulates against cold while keeping any organic materials safe from mold. Make sure to apply a sheet of plywood to the top of the foam, then firmly screw through the plywood and polystyrene directly onto the concrete using fasteners. Finally, the job can be finished with your choice of flooring.


QuickSeal WB Beats The Competition

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products recently began testing their products against the competitor’s specs using the American Society for Testing and Material’s ASTM D-5385. This test consists of three precast concrete patio blocks set up with waterproofing membranes to test head pressure. The official results are in, and Tremco’s Tuff-N-Dri H8 doesn’t stand up to the protection QuickSeal WB offers. The test shows Tuff-N-Dri H8 at 8′ of water (head pressure) at 40 mil dry. The QuickSeal WB tests came up superior, with 11.6′ of water (head pressure) at 40 mil dry. Mar-flex is awaiting the test results on the popular Mar-flex 5000 solution, and will be posting these results as they come in.

Mar-flex Continuing Education

Mar-flex has introduced its first continuing education course as part of its ongoing effort to implement Mar-flex University, a program teaching architects and engineers about the future of the construction industry, as well as emerging techniques and solutions to common construction issues. Mar-flex University’s first course focuses on Sustainable Design and Development and has been AIA/SD and United States Green Building Council approved. There are many courses coming in the near future to broaden professionals’ understanding of the current construction climate. Our courses have been taken by many reputable public and private companies, including NASA, the FAA, and HUD. We look forward to presenting many new courses for our students, and plan on implementing this wide-reaching objective by 2012.

Twip of the Day – Patching Basement Leaks

When you find water in your basement, you must act quickly to prevent structural damage, mold growth, and costly repairs. The source of the leak must be found first, which means tracing the water back until you find the point where it emerges from the wall. There can be several entry points, so a thorough examination is required. When you find the entry points of water, use a hammer and chisel to open up any cracks and inspect them for holes or damage points. You can also use a small brush to clear and debris, once that is finished use a can of compressed air for a cleaning the area. After putting on protective equipment, apply hydraulic cement to the affected area, making sure it is level with the wall, most of the time this can be done with a mortar trowel. Once you have repaired any cracks, apply waterproofing sealant to the concrete to protect against future problems. Make sure, after all repairs are finished and sealant is applied, to check the landscaping and gutters around your home to assure the water isn’t building up and that these things aren’t attributing to the leaks. If you feel professional help is needed, Mar-flex recommends DryPatrol, because of their ability to work with your insurance company to remain affordable and their attention to detail with quality technicians and environmental scientists.

UltriSeal – Another Amazing Innovation

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products continues its research and development operations to bring new products to our customers that are more functional, versatile, and durable than anything else on the market. The newest innovation Mar-flex recently invented is the UltriSeal solution. UltriSeal is built to protect against radon and other harmful chemicals in the environment. UltriSeal can be applied to any concrete surface, even driveways. UltriSeal was designed to be efficient and dependable, offering great sealant protection while simultaneously protecting your family and your customers against the harmful chemicals which can seep into a home through the surrounding environment.

Twip of the Day – Paint Vs Epoxy

When you own a home with a basement, its important to assure that the waterproofing protects your investment against water penetration. Two common products which help in this task are waterproofing paint and epoxy. Epoxy is a plastic-like material that has the consistency of honey and dries hard, shiny, and smooth. Several coats of epoxy are often required in order for it to be effective. Waterproofing paint has the consistency of any other paint a homeowner would buy at the paint/hardware store. This makes it easier to apply to surfaces than epoxy. While both products are effective at protecting the inside of a basement from water penetration, outside the home epoxy is not a realistic choice. When waterproofing the outside of your basement walls, you should use waterproofing paint, as it is designed specifically for outside applications. Epoxy is effective at protecting concrete from internal water damage, but offers no added protection beyond that. Waterproofing paint is versatile, acting as a sealant, preventing mold and mildew from forming, and as a deterrent against insect infestation.

New ShockWave Brochure

Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products is introducing a brand new approach to waterproofing. Our new “systems” approach makes it simpler than ever to choose the right waterproofing products for any job. The new ShockWave brochures are being printed and will be shipped out to distributors and retailers nationwide. Stay tuned for a digital copy of our newest brochure and keep your eyes open in your local DIY stores for copies as well. Mar-flex Waterproofing and Building Products continues on with its reputation for quality, durable, and innovative products at price points our competition can’t beat, all accomplished by a family firm through American-Made manufacturing processes.

Twip of the Day – Basement Finishing Projects

There are many great things you can do with a finished basement. Many people turn their basements into game rooms, so that noise from the lower level does not effect the upper level and quieter environments. Homeowners often turn their basements into home offices. This allows for the professional space to be separate from the living spaces. Some homeowners even turn their basements into guest rooms and apartments for relatives. Once your basement is fully waterproofed and you have finished the basement, their are many great things that can be done with the space.

Twip of the Day – Preventing Mold

Mold is most common in basement ceilings. This is because mold is more liable to form in cold, damp areas that lack ventilation and sunlight. There are steps you can take to prevent this mold from forming.
Maintaining dryness in your basement is paramount to keeping mold from forming. Also, the source of the moisture must be identified, if there is moisture found.

If you have basement windows, opening them can help prevent mold by increasing air circulation. If you don’t have any windows in your basement, or windows that don’t open, then the use of an air conditioner or dehumidifier can help dry your basement out. The most common cause of mold on basement ceilings is areas where water is often used in the house above, for instance under the bathroom or kitchen. If you experience leaks from water pipes or appliances, check the basement ceiling often for mold. If possible you should also check/replace any insulation materials between the floor and the basement ceiling. Installing exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens cuts down on moisture that remains in those rooms.

Using humidity monitors can also help, these can be found at most DIY stores. You should keep the humidity level below 60 percent to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

Maintaining gutters and downspouts is also an extremely important task, as standing water around the basement can leak into the area through hydrostatic pressure and cause mold and mildew to form. Also, insulating any pipes in your basement can reduce condensation and help to prevent mold growth.

Twip of the Day – Finding Condensation

Finding condensation on your basement walls is common. Its still extremely important to figure out whether this is from condensation or a leak in your basement wall. There is a simple procedure that any homeowner can do that helps with this process. First, wipe away the condensation from the wall, so that an area is completely dry. Then, duct tape a piece of foil onto the dry area, making sure that the foil hasn’t torn and that every side is completely covered in tape. Leave the tin foil untouched for at least 24 hours then go back and examine it. If the tin foil is wet on the inside, then the leak is coming from the wall, if it is wet on the outside, then it is just condensation. If the leak is in the wall, immediate steps need to be taken before costly repairs are needed. There are simple steps to fixing cracks in basement walls, as outlined in previous twip of the day’s. Mar-flex recommends DryPatrol if professional help is needed to fix the problems.