4 Signs You’re About to Hire the Wrong Contractor

Hiring a contractor is an important and risky time for your project and your company. You need to make sure that you’re getting a quality contractor so everything goes according to plan in your final project matches your expectations.

On the internet, every contractor can look the same. So how do you know you’re about to hire the wrong contractor? Here are six signs:

Resume but no references

One sign that you are about to hire the wrong contractor is that the person or company can offer you a resume, but no references. Sure, there is a list of projects they have worked on. Those projects might have been completed successfully. But who is attesting to that work? What role did this person or company play in that work? If you don’t know these answers you might be about to hire the wrong contractor.

No trusted materials partners

A second sign you’re about to hire the wrong contractor is that they won’t give you any information about the materials they will use on your project. Contractors who simply resort to using the least expensive parts for the work run the risk of using materials that weren’t meant to work together. They also might run the risk of compromising the whole project because they used the cheapest item to do an important task. Then when that item fails the whole project can be lost or set back.

Reluctance to agree to any timelines

A red flag in your hiring process is when your contractor is unwilling to agree to any time lines. Yes, things happen. And big projects are exposed to bigger problems happening more often. However, an individual contractor or subcontractor who won’t agree to any time lines is letting you know that they don’t have any time lines or expectations for their own work.

No catalog of completed work

Finally, your contractor should be able to point to successful projects they have worked on. Whether they were the lead or subcontractor, you should be able to see their work and understand their experience. Have they done projects of this size and scope, have they dealt with the complexities your project will offer?

This is not merely about experience in the lead role, but about general experience with the work itself. That is, they don’t have to have been the lead contractor in every project they show you. But if they have never done a project like yours at all, you might be about to hire the wrong contractor.

Photo by George Becker: https://www.pexels.com/photo/1-1-3-text-on-black-chalkboard-374918/

Why Large Contractors Prefer ArmorSheet Waterproofing Products

Photo by mali maeder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-and-black-excavator-69483/

Contracting work is among the most demanding professions. You are expected to be an expert on hundreds of topics, stay on top of changing laws at local, state, and federal levels, hire people, and manage details small and large.

It all comes at you fast, and you are always looking for ways to slow it down, or make it all run more smoothly.

Trying to create simplicity out of complexity is part of our mission at Mar-Flex. This is why we offer the ArmorSheet complete line of waterproofing materials. There is no more need to run to a half dozen suppliers or do research on how certain products will (or won’t) mix to create a waterproof seal that could make or break your entire project.

Instead, smart contractors rely on a single set of matched solutions. You do not have to research or guess or hope. The ArmorSheet products just work. And they work together to give you a complete waterproofing solution.

The ArmorSheet Line

While more details are available here, here are highlights of the ArmorSheet line:

  • A series of products that meet some of the strictest building standards, including Division 7 waterproofing and section 07-27-26 fluid applied barrier and membrane products
  • A focus on LEED certification, including guides for the products that help you achieve your target and budgeted LEED status
  • Above-grade solutions that include barriers and flashing to help you meet or exceed code
  • Below grade solutions including self-adhering and sprayed on waterproofing
  • Bentonite waterproofing options
  • Armor drainage board and tile
  • And our proprietary adhesives, mastics, and sealers that guarantee the waterproofing results you promised to your clients

We also sell a complete line of safety and application resources for your crew. You can make one stop, one order, and make sure that your crew is outfitted, prepared, and safe for the duration of your waterproofing and building project.

The best way to protect your bottom line is to do the work well, once, with quality products. If you live by this motto, then the Mar-Flex ArmorSheet line is for you.

For more information visit our site or call to speak with our installation experts.


When Your New Employee Doesn’t Speak Your Language

Photo by Matthias Derksen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-translator-in-a-yellow-hoodie-holding-a-placard-11333421/

Being a contractor means meeting deadlines and producing high quality work under some of the hardest imaginable conditions.

One common issue, especially in this era of unprecedented low unemployment, is finding enough workers to meet demands and deadlines. Across the country this increasingly means hiring workers in a very short time frame, or even day or short-term laborers with little formal work experience. Some not only lack a resume, they don’t even have a tool belt.

But the work must get done. And so while you might prefer to hire people who speak English, the situation might mean you will have to choose whatever laborers are available. Fortunately, language differences do not mean that they haven’t done the work before and don’t work hard. You might have found your next great employee – but you won’t know until the project gets donte.

Here are some tips for dealing with new employees when you don’t speak the same language.

  1. Hire one or more bi-lingual employees.

Your first resource in dealing with an employee who does not speak English (or whatever language you speak) is a bi-lingual employee. This person can help speed up the training and language acquisition process, and should be around to help with complex questions. For instance, even if you each have some knowledge of each other’s language, details around building codes, measurements, and other expectations can’t be left to guesses and approximations.

  1. Hire one or more bilingual day laborers.

You can’t control whether you have a bilingual employee. But chances are, if you’re hiring temporary labor, you can find one or two people who are stronger in English than you are in Spanish or whatever the target language is.

And if you don’t have a bilingual day laborer, on to solution 3.

  1. Use Google Translate or some other translation app

When a bilingual employee or short-term hire is not available, the next best option is to use a translation app. While these are imperfect solutions, they can offer enough support to convey key ideas and get the job done. Google translate can be surprisingly technical and has found use in a lot of technical fields related to building, design, engineering, and more.

It is important that you remember that speaking different languages doesn’t make you or the employee dumb – it just means there will be barriers to communication and the occasional mistake. Being patient might bring you a dedicated and loyal worker.

Be Ready for These Questions on Your Next Bid

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-people-checking-on-a-construction-project-8961300/

Being a contractor is demanding work. Your profits are continually being squeezed between the customer and the project supervisor. Demands and questions come at you from multiple directions at all times, and that’s all AFTER you get the contract.

And now potential customers and clients are asking more and more questions – more and more work for you – even before they sign a contract.

So be ready for these 4 common questions on your next bid.

1. Can this bid be itemized?

Customers sometimes ask this because they hope to do some of the work themselves, or ask their uncle or close friend if it all seems to be a fair price. The best answer is to give an itemized price with your mark-ups already included in the price on each line. In the end, no one is in the business of doing things for free.

2. Is your bid an estimate or a fixed price?

Again this is a question designed to help the customer try to save their cost almost directly from your wallet. Your policy should make sense for the work you do, and your reliance on factors out of your control. For instance, if lumber prices or gas prices drive your costs, say it. And also clarify up front which sorts of late demands will incur extra costs on their end – and put it all in the contract.

3. How long have you been doing business in this town?

This question is simply asking if you are reputable. Work to put together a portfolio as soon as you can. If you are a new independent contractor, include references from previous employers and pic from previous job. Register as soon as possible at the local BBB. And if you get a complaint, work to resolve it effectively with the client.

4. Who are your main suppliers?

Like the question above, this can be a chance to look into your reputation. Do you deal fairly with trusted contractors? Do you save costs by dealing directly with manufacturers and suppliers instead of a middle man?

Each of these questions are important to answer for yourself and your company. Having a ready answer for these – perhaps including them on a FAQ page on your website – helps potential clients feel comfortable with your work. This will give you a foot in the door and a chance to keep your schedule full in the year ahead.

What Are Polymers?

You may have heard of waterproofing solutions (and many other products) being formed from polymers. You accepted that as true and moved on. But you were curious, and now you want to know: what are polymers?

Encyclopedia Britannica defines polymers as “natural or synthetic substances composed of very large molecules, called macromolecules, that are multiples of simpler chemical units called monomers.”

So, essentially, polymers are anything that is made up of other things.

This as a definition seems unhelpful, but it opens a door to an amazing world of possibilities. Diamonds are polymers, and so is rubber. So on the simplest level, it is everything. But there is an important note here.

We can make what we want

It seems unhelpful to say a polymer can be essentially anything, but there is a significant upside. Since we have the technology to imitate nature’s magic, and the wide range of nature’s materials at our disposal, this means a polymer isn’t just the many things we can find out in the world, it can be whatever we want it to be.

That means we can use the components of rubber and make it stickier, or more liquid, or more rigid. We can construct a wide range of products and solutions by making minor modifications to the formula for any given product.

And for a contractor, this means that there is a solution to whatever problem you face.

So while plastics are the one word of useless advice offered in The Graduate, it can be a very helpful suggestion for a general contractor.

What you need is probably already available

While the TV character Red Green famously proclaims “any tool can be the right too for the job,” we know from painful experience that this is not true. Using the wrong tool can cost us time, energy, and potentially cause damage and increase expense.

In the age of polymers and on-demand manufacturing, the world probably already offers a solution for your contracting needs. Do you have a weird joint or a challenge to solve? Do you need to waterproof a hard-to-reach location, or idiot-proof a much-needed waterproofing solution? There is likely already a solution for that situation.

This is why contractors rely on Mar-Flex products. Our polymer-based solutions are designed to save you time and energy while doing the job effectively the first time.

Self-Sealing Drainage Solution

As a contractor, you are always searching for the best possible solution to sealing foundations in below grade applications. You have tried liquid sealants, rubberized solutions, wraps, and more. But what you want is a self-sealing, adhesive system that is quick and easy to apply.

Mar-Flex is proud to offer the simple to use Armor Sheet solution.

Armor Sheet is self-adhesive. Simply measure and cut, then line it up with the space. Remove the backing in a single easy pull, and press it into place. Armor Sheet adheres securely, and stays in place. More importantly, it forms a solid, impenetrable water barrier around your foundation.

It seals around nails and other imperfections in the foundation, allowing you to rest assured that water will not find a way in.

Why self-adhesive?

The time and mess involved in heating and spreading many adhesives is a challenge for some contractors, and a non-starter for others. The complicated, multi-step process creates mess and waste and takes a lot of time. Additionally, it requires additional training and practice for new staff.

Self-adhesive sealant sheets are an easy solution to many of these problems. Everyone is familiar with the peel-and-stick simplicity of the Armor Sheet system. And there is no time lost fooling with heating up the adhesive, prepping and then cleaning the adhesive gun, and the countless little steps that cause delay in between.

You can have the same security and peace of mind with a fraction of the headache.

And it’s faster too.

This is why contractors are increasingly turning to Armor Sheet solutions for their foundation waterproofing solutions.

Which surfaces are best for Armor Sheet?

Another advantage of the Armor Sheet peel and stick solution is that it is perfect for a wide range of surfaces.

Balconies? Below-grade concrete? Exposed siding? Exterior plaster? In almost every application, no matter the substrate, there is an Armor Sheet that will make your work easier.

Our special adhesive seals around a wide range of surfaces, so you don’t have to worry about getting a perfect match. While in some cases a primer is necessary, based on the substrate, the process is still straightforward, and time-saving.

As a contractor, you owe it to yourself and your client to save time and money while providing comprehensive protection from water damage.

Explore our Armor Sheet line for your current project and every one after that.

Is a Poured Concrete Wall the Right Solution for Your Home?

Once upon a time, building a wall on your property meant selecting from a limited range of materials and options: split rail, horizontal or vertical slotted wood fences, or the secure but insightly chain link.

With the massive expansion of home ownership in the United States, a seemingly endless list of wall options are now available. And one surprising option is a poured concrete wall.

Far from being the “unsightly” and damaging option you remember from your childhood, poured concrete walls now offer a seemingly unlimited supply of options: height, width, and structural, concrete walls can stand alone, support a hill, or hold fountains, plants and more.

Not just for retaining walls

It is common to think of a poured concrete wall as a foundation for a house or business. Sure, this is still the most common use. But modernization of ingredients, tools, and handling techniques have greatly expanded what can be done with poured concrete.

A free standing permanent wall in your landscape can be an impressive visual focus point in your yard. Poured concrete options include stamping and professional coloring. These will turn your preconception of a brutalist and cold concrete landscape into a warm and welcoming accent to one of your favorite spaces.

But also for retaining walls

The flexibility of new systems and uses does not take away concrete’s superpower. It is still strong and reliable. It can still withstand the pressure of soil and water. It can hold up a hillside, and hold back a river.

The reliable product that is used to hold up houses and project skyscrapers far into the sky is also the beautiful substance that will make a striking permanent improvement on your property.

This strength and flexibility is why you should keep concrete at the top of your list for your wall. It lasts essentially forever and adds beauty and value. It’s rare in home ownership that you know a repair or replacement will be permanent. Choosing a poured concrete wall is one of those rare exceptions where you will get your money’s worth, and never have to think about it again.

An attractive, affordable option

What are the Components of an Effective Drain System?

When setting up a waterproofing drain system, the first goal is to keep water away from the foundation. The second goal is to redirect it if it reaches the foundation. And a third, last-ditch goal, is to safely and efficiently redirect water that escapes inside.

Our efforts to create an effective drain system will focus on what happens outside of the foundation to prevent water from getting in.

Keeping water away from the foundation

The first goal is to keep water away from the foundation at all. this can be accomplished by the formation of the lot around the facility. Using sloping and shaping the soil around the foundation can help keep problems from ever forming. The foundation for this work comes from a thorough site survey that examines where water travels in the area – where it starts and where it ends up.

Sloping and soil preparation can help prevent problems from even starting.

Keeping water off the foundation

Of course, that can all happen in an ideal world. Most of us don’t have an ideal situation, where we can choose how to use a large plot of land, or where to place a new building on pristine available lots.

Instead, we are forced to use the property we have available to us, and the water situation we inherited. In this case we need to become experts in keeping water off the foundation.

This happens by carefully treating the area around the foundation of the building. The first step is preparing effective drainage solutions that redirect water to the wastewater system and away from your foundation.  The second step is placing spray-on or installed waterproofing sheets.

These products help keep the concrete beneath them dry, while efficiently directing water where you want it to go. These products, installed using seamless application techniques, will help make sure that every inch of your foundation is protected against the intrusion of water.

Experts trust Mar-Flex installers and our high quality products to keep their foundations dry, and to help water get where it needs to go. This means understanding the whole process, not just applying one solution to one spot and believing everything will be better.

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

Inflation Hits the Housing Market Hard

In an era of rising prices, inflation has hit the housing market perhaps hardest of all. It is now more important than ever to make sure that your biggest investment is also your most protected investment.

Recently the National Association of Realtors said that a new house only spent 17 days on the market before being sold in March. Many people are sharing anecdotal stories of their houses being sold even before they’re placed on the market, and sometimes for tens of thousands of dollars more than the asking price.

It remains to be seen what will happen with a new monetary policy in place. The Federal Reserve is quickly raising rates in order to slow down the sales of homes and other related purchases, which have overheated the economy and contributed to record inflation.

But what will the impact be over time? No one knows for sure.

The fact is that even with home prices soaring and rates going up, the sales pending of new homes still increased in May.

What to do if you are buying, building, or selling

So it is definitely a seller’s market. There’s very little incentive for you to make any changes to your house in order to help it sell. Chances are it will sell for what you’re asking very quickly.

If you are buying or building though, you will want to consider whether your investment is protected against water and flooding.

Have you taken the appropriate precautions to make sure that your new home or business is protected and warrantied to stand up against the intrusion of water?

Did the company you hired, or does the company you are going to hire, use quality and proven materials that not only redirect and resist water, but add to the value of your home over time?

Did these products increase your LEED rating, helping make your total project less dependent on fossil fuels and other sorts of emissions, and will it resist the need for costly repairs and replacements down the road?

By using quality materials and quality installation from expert veteran installers, you can be sure that your investment is protected for years to come.

The costs are too high to use anything less than the best materials.

Photo by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/low-angle-photography-of-spiral-stair-1114883/

Trusted Waterproofing Professionals

When it comes to waterproofing your home, business, or other property, it doesn’t pay to take chances. There are a lot of companies out there competing for your waterproofing dollars, and it can be easy to see the most expensive commercials for a national company and be taken in by their sales pitch.

But when you check under the hood you might learn that these larger companies often expand rapidly, and that means that they hire new, inexperienced people to do the work.

They back up their work with a warranty that they can underwrite with their size and their profit stream – but not necessarily with the work that they do.

And no insurance claim can replace your wedding photos, or make you well if mold has sickened you or your family.

Hire a local company with over 35 years of waterproofing experience

Experience is the best teacher. What you learn from a class or a book can be useful and accurate information, but only when you have applied that information can it truly be yours.

Using the approved materials, working in different environments, and yes, even having made mistakes in the past, helps you be the best at what you do. It is the everyday application of what was learned in class or in books that makes someone an expert, and a trusted guide.

Mar-Flex is that trusted and experienced installer that you need for your next waterproofing project.

The soil and weather are different in every part of the country, and even unique to different parts of the state. These environmental concerns create their own possibilities for mistakes that can set your project back weeks. Hiring a trusted team who is familiar with the Ohio clay and the many sudden changes in the weather – including tremendous temperature swings and extended periods of rain – will help ensure that your job is done once, done on time, and done to  meet or exceed your expectations.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash