Steps and Products Needed for Waterproofing Your Basement

A wet basement can cause a range of problems, from mold and mildew growth to damage to your belongings. Fortunately, there are several steps and products that can help you waterproof your basement and prevent these issues from occurring. In this post, we will explore the key steps and products needed for waterproofing your basement.

Step 1: Identify the Source of Water

Before you begin waterproofing your basement, it’s important to identify the source of the water. This may be caused by issues such as a high water table, poorly graded landscaping, or leaking pipes. Addressing these issues may require the help of a professional contractor or plumber.

Step 2: Seal Any Cracks or Holes

Once you have addressed any underlying issues, it’s time to seal any cracks or holes in your basement walls and floor. There are several products available for this purpose, including hydraulic cement, epoxy injection, and sealant. These products can help to prevent water from seeping through your basement walls or floor.

Step 3: Install a Sump Pump

A sump pump is a crucial component of any basement waterproofing system. It works by collecting water that seeps into your basement and pumping it away from your home. A professional contractor can install a sump pump and ensure that it is properly sized and located for your specific needs.

Step 4: Apply Waterproofing Membrane

A waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of material that is applied to your basement walls or floor to prevent water from seeping through. There are several types of membranes available, including liquid-applied, sheet, and spray-on. Your contractor can help you choose the right type of membrane for your specific needs.

Step 5: Install a Drainage System

A drainage system is another important component of a basement waterproofing system. This system works by directing water away from your basement and into a drainage area. There are several types of drainage systems available, including exterior and interior drain tile systems. Your contractor can help you choose the right type of drainage system for your specific needs.

Products Needed for Waterproofing Your Basement

  • Hydraulic cement
  • Epoxy injection
  • Sealant
  • Sump pump
  • Waterproofing membrane
  • Drainage system

In conclusion, waterproofing your basement is an important step in protecting your home from water damage and mold growth. By following these key steps and using the right products, you can ensure that your basement remains dry and safe for years to come. If you’re not sure where to start with waterproofing your basement, consult with a professional contractor who can provide expert advice and guidance.

The Importance of Egress Window Wells


Egress window wells may not be the most glamorous part of your home, but they are a critical component for ensuring your family’s safety in the event of an emergency. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of egress window wells and why you should consider installing them in your home.

What is an Egress Window Well?

An egress window well is an excavation outside of your basement or lower level windows that provides a safe exit in the event of an emergency. The well typically consists of a steel or plastic frame that is installed around the window and extends outward, allowing for a clear escape path.

Why Are Egress Window Wells Important?

  1. Safety

The most important reason to install egress window wells is for the safety of your family. In the event of a fire or other emergency, your family members may need to escape quickly. Egress window wells provide a clear exit path and can prevent injury or worse.

  1. Compliance with Building Codes

In many areas, egress window wells are required by building codes. These codes specify the size and location of the window wells to ensure that they provide a safe exit path in the event of an emergency. Failure to comply with these codes can result in fines or other penalties.

  1. Increased Home Value

Installing egress window wells can also increase the value of your home. They are an attractive feature for homebuyers who are concerned about safety and compliance with building codes. Plus, they can help to bring in more natural light, making your basement or lower level feel more welcoming.

  1. Improved Ventilation

In addition to providing a safe exit path, egress window wells can also improve ventilation in your basement or lower level. This can help to reduce moisture and prevent mold growth, which can be a significant problem in below-grade living spaces.

How Do You Install Egress Window Wells?

Installing egress window wells is a complex process that requires professional expertise. A contractor will need to excavate the area around the window, install the frame, and backfill the area with gravel or other materials. They will also need to ensure that the window itself is egress-compliant and that the well is properly sized and located.

In conclusion, egress window wells are a critical component for ensuring the safety of your family in the event of an emergency. They also offer compliance with building codes, increased home value, and improved ventilation. If you are considering a basement or lower level renovation, be sure to consult with a professional contractor about the installation of egress window wells.

Uses of Drainage Boards in Construction

Drainage boards are a crucial component of modern construction projects. These boards serve a variety of important functions, including helping to manage water flow, protecting structures from water damage, and providing insulation. In this post, we will explore some of the key uses of drainage boards in construction.

  1. Waterproofing

One of the primary uses of drainage boards in construction is waterproofing. When water accumulates on the surface of a structure, it can cause significant damage over time. This is especially true for structures that are exposed to heavy rainfall, flooding, or high levels of groundwater.

Drainage boards help to mitigate this problem by providing a barrier between the structure and the water. These boards are designed to allow water to flow away from the structure, reducing the risk of damage. This makes drainage boards a critical component of any waterproofing system.

  1. Insulation

In addition to waterproofing, drainage boards can also provide insulation for buildings. When installed between the structure and the ground, drainage boards can help to regulate temperature and reduce energy consumption. By providing a layer of insulation, these boards can help to keep buildings warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

  1. Landscape Drainage

Drainage boards can also be used in landscape drainage applications. When installed below the surface of a garden or lawn, these boards can help to manage water flow and prevent waterlogging. This is especially important in areas with heavy rainfall, where excess water can lead to soil erosion and damage to plants.

  1. Road Construction

Another important use of drainage boards is in road construction. When installed beneath roads and highways, these boards can help to prevent water from accumulating on the surface of the road. This can reduce the risk of accidents, as well as extend the lifespan of the road itself by preventing damage caused by water.

  1. Foundation Drainage

Finally, drainage boards can be used to manage water flow around building foundations. When installed around the perimeter of a building, these boards can help to direct water away from the foundation and prevent damage caused by excess moisture. This is especially important in areas with high levels of groundwater or heavy rainfall.

In conclusion, drainage boards are a crucial component of modern construction projects. They serve a variety of important functions, including waterproofing, insulation, landscape drainage, road construction, and foundation drainage. If you are planning a construction project, be sure to consider the use of drainage boards to help protect your structure from water damage and ensure its longevity.

Life-Saving Egress Window Wells: The Ultimate Home Safety Solution

Egress window wells are a crucial yet often overlooked safety feature in many homes. They provide an essential means of escape during emergencies and can mean the difference between life and death in dire situations. In this blog post, we will explore the life-saving benefits of egress window wells, their role in home safety, and why they should be a priority for homeowners seeking to protect their families and properties.

Providing a Safe Escape Route

In the event of a fire or other emergency, every second counts. Egress window wells offer a quick and safe escape route from the basement, allowing occupants to evacuate the premises without having to navigate through smoke-filled hallways or climb down from upper floors. By providing a direct exit to the outside, egress window wells can be a lifesaving addition to any home.

Facilitating Emergency Responder Access

Egress window wells not only benefit the occupants of a home but also serve as an essential point of entry for emergency responders. In situations where the main entrance is blocked or inaccessible, firefighters and rescue personnel can use egress window wells to gain access to the basement and perform life-saving operations. This can significantly reduce response time and improve the chances of a successful rescue.

Complying with Building Codes and Regulations

Many local building codes and regulations require the installation of egress window wells in new homes and during major renovations. These regulations are designed to ensure that all homes have adequate safety features to protect occupants in case of emergencies. By complying with these requirements, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that their homes meet safety standards and are equipped with the necessary features to protect their families.

Enhancing Property Value and Appeal

In addition to their life-saving benefits, egress window wells can also improve property value and appeal. Prospective buyers are more likely to be attracted to homes with well-maintained egress window wells, as they demonstrate the homeowner’s commitment to safety and compliance with building regulations. Furthermore, egress window wells can increase the usable square footage of a home by making the basement a more functional and inviting living space.

Improving Ventilation and Natural Light

Egress window wells not only serve as a safety feature but also offer the added benefit of improving ventilation and natural light in basement spaces. By allowing fresh air and sunlight to enter the basement, egress window wells can create a more comfortable and healthier living environment. This can help to reduce the risk of mold growth and improve indoor air quality, contributing to a safer and more pleasant home.

In summary, egress window wells are a life-saving home safety solution that should not be overlooked. They provide a safe escape route for occupants, facilitate emergency responder access, comply with building codes and regulations, enhance property value and appeal, and improve ventilation and natural light in basement spaces. By investing in egress window wells, homeowners can protect their families, comply with safety regulations, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing their homes are equipped with essential safety features.

Mar-flex Dampproofing Membranes: An Essential Solution for Protecting Your Property

Protecting your property from the damaging effects of moisture is vital in maintaining its structural integrity and value. One of the leading solutions for achieving this goal is Mar-flex’s dampproofing membranes. These innovative products are designed to offer superior protection against moisture intrusion, ensuring the long-term health of your home or commercial property. In this blog post, we will discuss the various uses of Mar-flex dampproofing membranes and why they are a smart investment for anyone looking to safeguard their property.

Residential Foundation Protection

The foundation is the backbone of any residential property, and keeping it protected from moisture is crucial. Mar-flex dampproofing membranes are specifically designed to provide a reliable barrier against water infiltration, safeguarding your foundation from potential damage such as cracking, mold growth, and structural deterioration. By using Mar-flex dampproofing membranes in your residential property, you can ensure the structural stability of your home and maintain a healthy living environment for your family.

Commercial Building Waterproofing

Commercial properties are often subjected to harsh environmental conditions and heavy foot traffic, making them particularly vulnerable to water damage. Mar-flex dampproofing membranes offer an effective solution for protecting commercial buildings from the detrimental effects of moisture intrusion. These membranes can be applied to various surfaces, such as concrete, masonry, and wood, providing a versatile and robust solution for safeguarding commercial properties.

Retaining Wall Moisture Control

Retaining walls are crucial in providing support and preventing soil erosion in both residential and commercial properties. However, these walls are often exposed to moisture, which can lead to deterioration and even structural failure. Mar-flex dampproofing membranes can be applied to retaining walls, creating a protective barrier that prevents moisture penetration and ensures the wall’s longevity and stability.

Basement and Crawl Space Protection

Basements and crawl spaces are particularly susceptible to moisture intrusion, which can lead to a host of problems, including mold growth, foul odors, and structural damage. Mar-flex dampproofing membranes are an excellent solution for protecting these vulnerable areas. By applying these membranes to the walls and floors of basements and crawl spaces, you can effectively seal out moisture and maintain a dry, healthy environment.

Landscaping and Drainage Applications

Proper drainage is essential for preventing water damage in outdoor spaces, such as gardens, patios, and walkways. Mar-flex dampproofing membranes can be used in landscaping and drainage applications to ensure that water is effectively channeled away from your property, minimizing the risk of moisture-related issues.

In conclusion, Mar-flex dampproofing membranes are an essential solution for anyone looking to protect their property from the damaging effects of moisture. These versatile products offer a range of uses, including residential foundation protection, commercial building waterproofing, retaining wall moisture control, basement and crawl space protection, and landscaping and drainage applications. By investing in Mar-flex dampproofing membranes, you can safeguard your property’s structural integrity, maintain its value, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is well protected against moisture-related damage.

The Ultimate Protection: High-End Waterproofing Membranes for Your Foundation


When it comes to safeguarding the structural integrity of your home, protecting your foundation is of the utmost importance. One of the most effective ways to ensure the longevity of your foundation is by investing in high-quality waterproofing membranes. These advanced products offer superior protection against water damage and are crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of your property. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of using high-end waterproofing membranes to protect your foundation, and why they are essential for the long-term health of your home.

Unparalleled Protection from Water Damage

High-end waterproofing membranes provide an unmatched level of defense against water damage. They are specifically designed to prevent water intrusion into your foundation, which can lead to issues such as cracking, mold growth, and even structural failure. By using a premium waterproofing membrane, you can rest assured that your foundation is shielded from the damaging effects of moisture, and your home remains secure and stable for years to come.

Increased Energy Efficiency

One of the lesser-known benefits of high-quality waterproofing membranes is their ability to improve your home’s energy efficiency. By effectively sealing your foundation from moisture, these membranes help to maintain a consistent temperature within your home. This means that your heating and cooling systems do not need to work as hard, ultimately reducing your energy consumption and lowering your utility bills.

Superior Durability and Longevity

Investing in high-end waterproofing membranes ensures that you are choosing a product that is built to last. These membranes are typically constructed from robust materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions and resist degradation over time. This means that once installed, you can expect your waterproofing membrane to continue protecting your foundation for many years, providing you with peace of mind and long-term cost savings.

Enhanced Property Value

A well-protected foundation is not only beneficial for the structural health of your home but can also contribute to an increase in property value. By choosing a high-end waterproofing membrane, you demonstrate a commitment to maintaining your property’s integrity. Prospective buyers will appreciate the knowledge that your foundation is protected by a premium product, and this can result in a higher resale value for your home.

Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs

By utilizing a high-quality waterproofing membrane, you can effectively minimize the need for costly foundation repairs and maintenance. These membranes prevent moisture-related issues from arising, reducing the likelihood of needing to address problems such as mold remediation, crack repairs, or even extensive foundation work. This not only saves you time and money but also contributes to a healthier living environment for you and your family.

In summary, investing in high-end waterproofing membranes for your foundation is a smart choice for homeowners seeking to protect their property and maintain its value. These premium products offer unparalleled protection from water damage, increased energy efficiency, superior durability, enhanced property value, and reduced maintenance and repair costs. By choosing a high-quality waterproofing membrane, you can ensure the long-term health of your foundation and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safeguarded against potential damage.

Don’t Go Cheap on Basement Waterproofing When Building a Home

When building a new home, it can be tempting to cut corners and save money wherever possible. However, one area where you should never skimp is basement waterproofing. Waterproofing your basement is essential for protecting your home and preventing water damage. In this blog post, we’ll explain why it’s important to invest in high-quality waterproofing for your basement.

Prevents Water Damage

The most obvious reason to waterproof your basement is to prevent water damage. Water can seep into your basement through cracks in the foundation or walls, causing damage to the structure and any items stored in the basement. This can lead to mold growth, electrical problems, and other hazards. Waterproofing your basement prevents water from entering, protecting your home and your belongings.

Saves Money in the Long Run

While it may seem like a good idea to save money on waterproofing during the construction of your home, it can actually end up costing you more in the long run. If water damage occurs due to inadequate waterproofing, it can be expensive to repair. Additionally, water damage can decrease the value of your home, making it harder to sell in the future. By investing in high-quality waterproofing during the construction of your home, you can save money on costly repairs and protect the value of your home.

Protects Your Health

Water damage can lead to mold growth, which can have serious health consequences. Exposure to mold can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. Waterproofing your basement helps to prevent mold growth, protecting the health of you and your family.

Increases Your Home’s Value

Investing in high-quality basement waterproofing can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a home that has a waterproofed basement because it means that the home is protected from water damage. Additionally, a waterproofed basement can make your home more attractive to potential buyers, as they will be less likely to have to deal with water-related issues in the future.

In conclusion, waterproofing your basement is essential for protecting your home and preventing water damage. While it may be tempting to save money on waterproofing during the construction of your home, it’s important to invest in high-quality waterproofing to avoid costly repairs in the future, protect your health, and increase the value of your home. Don’t go cheap on basement waterproofing – it’s an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Why Basement Homes Are More Important Than Slab Homes Now More Than Ever

When it comes to building or buying a new home, one of the decisions that you will need to make is whether you want a basement or a slab foundation. In the past, slab homes were more popular due to their lower cost and simpler construction. However, with changing weather patterns and an increased focus on energy efficiency and home safety, basement homes are becoming more important than ever before. Here are some reasons why.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

In recent years, natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods have become more frequent and severe. Basement homes offer more protection against these disasters than slab homes. They provide a safe place for you and your family to take shelter during a storm or flood, protecting you from potential harm. Additionally, basements can be used to store emergency supplies such as food, water, and first aid kits, making them even more valuable during a disaster.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Basement homes are also more energy-efficient than slab homes. The earth surrounding the basement provides natural insulation, keeping the home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This means that basement homes require less energy to maintain a comfortable temperature, resulting in lower energy bills for homeowners. Additionally, basements can be finished and used as living spaces, providing more square footage without the need for additional heating or cooling.

Increased Home Value

Another advantage of basement homes is that they typically have a higher resale value than slab homes. Many homebuyers prefer the added space and potential for extra living areas that basements offer. Additionally, because basements provide more protection against natural disasters, they may be more appealing to buyers who live in areas prone to flooding, hurricanes, or tornadoes.

Flexibility for Homeowners

Basement homes offer more flexibility for homeowners than slab homes. Basements can be used for a variety of purposes, including additional living space, storage, or even as a home gym or theater. This versatility allows homeowners to customize their home to fit their needs and lifestyle. Additionally, if the homeowner’s needs change over time, the basement can be renovated or repurposed, providing even more flexibility.

In conclusion, basement homes are becoming more important than ever before due to their protection against natural disasters, improved energy efficiency, increased home value, and flexibility for homeowners. While slab homes may have been more popular in the past, the benefits of basement homes cannot be ignored. If you are considering building or buying a new home, be sure to consider the advantages of a basement home.

The Importance of Waterproof-Protected Basements in the Midwest

Waterproofing basements is an important consideration for homeowners, especially those living in the Midwest. The Midwest region of the United States is prone to heavy rain and flooding, which can cause significant damage to homes and their basements. Here are some reasons why waterproofing your basement is crucial in the Midwest.

Prevents Water Damage

One of the primary benefits of waterproofing your basement is that it prevents water damage. Water can seep into your basement through cracks in the foundation or walls, causing damage to the structure and any items stored in the basement. This can lead to mold growth, electrical problems, and other hazards. Waterproofing your basement prevents water from entering, protecting your home and your belongings.

Protects Foundation

Water damage can also affect the foundation of your home. When water infiltrates the soil around the foundation, it can cause the soil to expand and contract, leading to foundation settling or shifting. This can result in cracks in the foundation or walls, compromising the structural integrity of your home. Waterproofing your basement helps to prevent water damage and protect the foundation of your home.

Increases Home Value

A waterproofed basement can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a home that has a waterproofed basement because it means that the home is protected from water damage. Additionally, a waterproofed basement can make your home more attractive to potential buyers, as they will be less likely to have to deal with water-related issues in the future.

Reduces Energy Costs

A waterproofed basement can also help to reduce energy costs. When water infiltrates your basement, it can cause moisture to build up, leading to high humidity levels. High humidity levels can make your home feel warmer, forcing your air conditioning system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. By waterproofing your basement, you can prevent water infiltration and reduce humidity levels, potentially lowering your energy bills.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

Finally, waterproofing your basement can improve indoor air quality. When water infiltrates your basement, it can lead to mold growth, which can release spores into the air. Breathing in mold spores can lead to respiratory problems, especially for people with allergies or asthma. Waterproofing your basement helps to prevent mold growth, protecting the air quality in your home.

In conclusion, waterproofing your basement is essential for homeowners living in the Midwest. It helps to prevent water damage, protects the foundation of your home, increases home value, reduces energy costs, and improves indoor air quality. If you are a homeowner in the Midwest and have not yet waterproofed your basement, consider doing so to protect your home and your family.

Maximizing Efficiency: Time-Saving Tools for Contractors

As a building contractor, your time is a valuable commodity. The more time you can save on each project, the more projects you can take on, and the more money you can make. However, with so many tasks to complete, it can be challenging to find ways to streamline your process and save time while still doing the excellent job you are known for. Here are some of the most effective tools and techniques that contractors can use to maximize efficiency and save time on their projects.

Project Management Software

Project management software is a must-have tool for contractors looking to streamline their work. By using project management software, you can easily track progress, manage budgets, assign tasks, and communicate with your team, all in one place. There are many project management software options available, ranging from simple, entry-level tools to more advanced systems that offer a range of features and integrations. Consider using a software that is specifically designed for building contractors and construction projects, as this will ensure that you have access to all the tools and features you need.


Mobile Apps

Mobile apps can also be a valuable tool for contractors, offering the ability to access important information and complete tasks from anywhere, at any time. There are a variety of mobile apps available for contractors, including time tracking, invoicing, and material management tools. Consider using a mobile app that integrates with your project management software for maximum efficiency.

Automated Invoicing

Invoicing can be a time-consuming task, especially when you have to send invoices to multiple clients. Automated invoicing software can simplify this process by automatically generating invoices and sending them directly to your clients. This will save you time and ensure that you get paid faster. This is a streamlined version of project management software, and a good place to start for contractors who are not familiar with software but who find invoicing a painful use of time.


Job Site Management Tools


Managing the job site can also be time-consuming. Job site management tools can help you streamline this process by giving you real-time access to important information, such as attendance, daily reports, safety checklists, and task lists. Consider using a job site management tool that integrates with your project management software for a seamless experience.


Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a cutting-edge technology that can save contractors time and money. By using virtual reality, you can simulate the building process, allowing you to identify and resolve any potential issues before construction begins. This can save you time and money, as you can avoid having to make changes to the building once construction has started.


There are many tools and techniques that contractors can use to maximize efficiency and save time on their projects. Whether you choose to use project management software, mobile apps, automated invoicing, job site management tools, or virtual reality, you can streamline your process and become a more productive and efficient contractor.

Save time and money with these contractor ideas. Photo by Monstera.