Category: News

Major Medical Problems Caused by Mold

As we have discussed elsewhere, mold can be a hidden hazard in any indoor environment. It can cause a wide range of problems. Most often the result of mold in the environment is that one or more people in that space develop mild allergic symptoms.   Mold, however, is frequently blamed for some serious conditions… Read more »

Common Ailments Caused by Mold

Mold can be a hidden hazard in any indoor or outdoor environment. It can cause a range of health problems. These can sometimes be very minor, like simply being irritated because of an unpleasant smell. However, mold can also cause major health problems which could lead to hospitalization and even death.   The minor irritations… Read more »

Four Key Qualities in Choosing a Waterproofing Company

When choosing a waterproofing company for your residential or commercial application, there are four important areas to review. You want to make sure your builder or contractor has a wide range of experience, the products used are backed with a warranty, the installers are certified in their work, and that they address the water problem… Read more »

The Cost of Mold Removal

A common nightmare for builders is the discovery of mold in a recent project. The cost for mold abatement can be immense in both time and money.   Mold abatement can cost up to $25 per square foot. However, this cost is not limited to the areas covered with visible mold. Often contracts require the… Read more »

Mold Abatement Certification

When you identify a mold problem, you need to take immediate action. This can involve trying an over-the-counter product, using dishwashing gloves, and perhaps sponges and wipes you have under your sink.   But is this the best way to do it?   In many cases, this immediate action will address most of the problem…. Read more »

What Landlords Need to Know About Mold and the Law

As a landlord or a renter, you need to know the laws around mold in rental properties. Having this information can help keep you safe and legally protected.   Most states do not have laws about mold and mold control specifically. However, laws around maintaining a safe and healthy habitat can apply to certain types… Read more »

The Cost of Mold Removal

A common nightmare for builders is the discovery of mold in a recent project. The cost for mold abatement can be immense in both time and money. Mold abatement can cost up to $25 per square foot. However, this cost is not limited to the areas covered with visible mold. Often contracts require the builder… Read more »

Tip of the Day – Essential Basement Waterproofing Products

Basement waterproofing is crucial in any structure, as it prevents mold and mildew growth, as well as water damage. There are several products which are essential when waterproofing a basement. A sump pump is useful in homes where the water table is above the foundation table of the structure. Because of this, you’ll frequently experience… Read more »

What is an Egress Window Well and Why Are They Important?

We have received several questions on our Facebook page asking about the benefits of egress window wells. What is an egress window well? Why would you want to install an egress window well, and how to know which one is right for you? Mar-flex is a premier national manufacturer and distributor of all types of window… Read more »