Category: News

Why do so many contractors protect their foundations with ShockWave Drainage Board?

At Mar-Flex, we have been producing quality lines of waterproofing products for years. We occasionally get asked which are our favorite lines. And of course, to us, waterproofing products are like our children, and we love them all equally. But for the most common applications, we find our technicians and our customers turning time and… Read more »

Why Fusion UV Remains a Top Choice For Builders

More than a decade after its introduction, the Mar-flex waterproof membrane solution Fusion UV remains a popular choice for builders across the United States and beyond. What is the secret to its longevity? Well it’s no secret really. Offering builders an affordable, easy-to-apply, high-quality waterproofing solution turned out to be a really popular choice. The… Read more »

Get the Facts on Waterproofing Membranes

When you are working to waterproof your foundation,  you will come across a lot of proposed solutions and materials. Paints, caulks, and even concrete backfills can all be part of a comprehensive  waterproofing solution for your building’s basement. Waterproofing membranes also need to be in the conversation. Cost-effective and practical, waterproofing membranes offer a wide… Read more »

Mar-Flex Quality Waterproofing Products Suppliers

When you are rebuilding or doing new construction, you look first to your foundation. You know that if you have water problems, the new location will be uninhabitable and unsellable.   So you need quality waterproofing materials, with a wide range of costs and applications, so you can find the perfect fit for your budget… Read more »

You Can Go Green and Stay Dry

For a long time in construction it was understood that accepting the use of “green” or environmentally friendly materials meant that you were lowering your standards. That is no longer true. Amazing breakthroughs in technology have allowed advances in recombinant re-use and recycling. Many of today’s recycled materials meet the same standards that their first-use… Read more »

What is Hydrostatic Pressure?

When you are looking to waterproof an existing or new building you are likely to come across the term ”hydrostatic pressure”. It sounds very scientific and complex. Hydro definitely means “water”, but what’s with “static”? The term is easily understood, but the concept is a bedeviling problem for builders and engineers. Hydrostatic pressure is, in… Read more »

Foundation Waterproofing That Works

You already understand that a building is a large investment. And you will do whatever it takes to protect that investment. Some of that protection involves fire alarms, smoke detectors, locks and cameras. But before you get to that point, waterproofing the foundation is an important step to make sure your building stays safe and… Read more »

How Water Damage Hurts Property Values, Especially During Property Transfer

Property owners have a love-hate relationship with water. We need water to be available in many parts of our building. We love a beautiful water feature outside including perhaps a pond and fountain. We know that well-constructed property handles the water that falls from the sky in the form of rain or blows and flows… Read more »

Develop multiple layers of protection against water

Perhaps the most fulfilling part of working as an engineer, architect, builder, or contractor, is getting to create a new building. Knowing that your work contributed to creating a structure that will last a lifetime is very satisfying. Doing everything in your power to make sure it lasts a lifetime or more is an essential… Read more »

How Water Creates Cracks in Foundations Over Time

In many climates, water is the most destructive force of nature acting on buildings. Wild major events like flooding and hurricanes rightly capture headlines with billion dollar damages to properties, daily freeze and thaw cycles are a typical homeowner’s seasonal enemy. This is largely due to an important property specific to water: when it gets… Read more »