Category: News

8 Strategies for Streamlining the Bid Process and Winning More Contracts

As a contractor, bidding for projects is a critical part of the job. A bidding process that is well-organized and streamlined can help you win more projects, save time, and increase profits. Here are some tips for streamlining your bidding process: Define your target market: Understanding the type of projects you want to bid on… Read more »

Going Green: Sustainable Building Techniques for Contractors

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need for sustainability and environmental preservation, the construction industry has taken notice. Many contractors are now seeking ways to build more efficiently and reduce their impact on the environment. Fortunately, there are a number of sustainable building techniques available to help contractors achieve their goals.   One… Read more »

Contractors: Improve your HomeAdvisor rating

As a contractor, you have a lot of responsibilities. Multiple employees, shifting timelines, various projects, and all of them can get derailed by an act of nature or other events out of your control. This was especially true during the pandemic and upheaval at the USPS, which cost American businesses billions of dollars collectively. And… Read more »

Contractors: Improve Your BBB Rating

It happens to every business eventually. A project goes sideways. The fates align in the worst possible way – late items, a key worker quits, an expensive unforeseen complication was revealed behind a wall. Your  client or customer was unhappy and took it to the BBB or worse – social media. And you’re worried about… Read more »

Contractors: How to Defend Yourself on Social Media

Social media is a mixed bag. It can provide endless hours of entertainment – or mind-numbing nonsense, depending on your perspective. It can also be a great place for a product to become a huge sales success, like the company that saw a 300% increase in web traffic and lines out the door following a… Read more »

Useful Resources for Contractors

Sometimes it might seem hard to have conversations and get information as a contractor. You can feel like you are an island of one. You are constantly dealing with client demands, employee expectations, unexpected changes and ordering complications. So it is good to learn that there are plenty of places where contractors can talk –… Read more »

Why Contractors Prefer Poured Walls Over Cinder Block

For years, the most common type of building foundation was cinder blocks, especially for houses and smaller structures. This is because cinder blocks have some advantages for these applications. However, poured walls have become more prevalent for a variety of reasons. Below are the advantages of each, and why more and more contractors are choosing… Read more »

Find Your Next General Contractor

When it is time to expand or rebuild your business, you want to be sure that you are getting the best help money can buy. This means carefully vetting everyone who will be working with you to make your next step successful for the years to come. This means looking closely at your general contractor… Read more »

How To Ensure Quality While Building Commercial Construction Projects

Whether your next construction project is your first or one in a long series of successful projects, you want to make sure that you have the best contractors using the best materials. You know that the cost and the quality are both variables, and they are related to each other (though not exactly the same… Read more »

4 Signs You’re About to Hire the Wrong Contractor

Hiring a contractor is an important and risky time for your project and your company. You need to make sure that you’re getting a quality contractor so everything goes according to plan in your final project matches your expectations. On the internet, every contractor can look the same. So how do you know you’re about… Read more »