Category: News

Steps and Products Needed for Waterproofing Your Basement

A wet basement can cause a range of problems, from mold and mildew growth to damage to your belongings. Fortunately, there are several steps and products that can help you waterproof your basement and prevent these issues from occurring. In this post, we will explore the key steps and products needed for waterproofing your basement…. Read more »

The Importance of Egress Window Wells

Egress window wells may not be the most glamorous part of your home, but they are a critical component for ensuring your family’s safety in the event of an emergency. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of egress window wells and why you should consider installing them in your home. What is an Egress… Read more »

Uses of Drainage Boards in Construction

Drainage boards are a crucial component of modern construction projects. These boards serve a variety of important functions, including helping to manage water flow, protecting structures from water damage, and providing insulation. In this post, we will explore some of the key uses of drainage boards in construction. Waterproofing One of the primary uses of… Read more »

Life-Saving Egress Window Wells: The Ultimate Home Safety Solution

Egress window wells are a crucial yet often overlooked safety feature in many homes. They provide an essential means of escape during emergencies and can mean the difference between life and death in dire situations. In this blog post, we will explore the life-saving benefits of egress window wells, their role in home safety, and… Read more »

Mar-flex Dampproofing Membranes: An Essential Solution for Protecting Your Property

Protecting your property from the damaging effects of moisture is vital in maintaining its structural integrity and value. One of the leading solutions for achieving this goal is Mar-flex’s dampproofing membranes. These innovative products are designed to offer superior protection against moisture intrusion, ensuring the long-term health of your home or commercial property. In this… Read more »

The Ultimate Protection: High-End Waterproofing Membranes for Your Foundation

  When it comes to safeguarding the structural integrity of your home, protecting your foundation is of the utmost importance. One of the most effective ways to ensure the longevity of your foundation is by investing in high-quality waterproofing membranes. These advanced products offer superior protection against water damage and are crucial for maintaining the… Read more »

Don’t Go Cheap on Basement Waterproofing When Building a Home

When building a new home, it can be tempting to cut corners and save money wherever possible. However, one area where you should never skimp is basement waterproofing. Waterproofing your basement is essential for protecting your home and preventing water damage. In this blog post, we’ll explain why it’s important to invest in high-quality waterproofing… Read more »

Why Basement Homes Are More Important Than Slab Homes Now More Than Ever

When it comes to building or buying a new home, one of the decisions that you will need to make is whether you want a basement or a slab foundation. In the past, slab homes were more popular due to their lower cost and simpler construction. However, with changing weather patterns and an increased focus… Read more »

The Importance of Waterproof-Protected Basements in the Midwest

Waterproofing basements is an important consideration for homeowners, especially those living in the Midwest. The Midwest region of the United States is prone to heavy rain and flooding, which can cause significant damage to homes and their basements. Here are some reasons why waterproofing your basement is crucial in the Midwest. Prevents Water Damage One… Read more »

Maximizing Efficiency: Time-Saving Tools for Contractors

As a building contractor, your time is a valuable commodity. The more time you can save on each project, the more projects you can take on, and the more money you can make. However, with so many tasks to complete, it can be challenging to find ways to streamline your process and save time while… Read more »